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Are industrial control systems the best fit for modern data center automation?

This session took place on March 17, 2021

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Are industrial control systems the best fit for modern data center automation?

Highly mission critical industries rely on modern industrial control systems to maintain continuous uptime and drive down their energy and operations costs. It wasn’t always this way, however; industry has evolved to get to this point. Is it time for data centers to evolve too?

This session, delivered by Richard Ungar, will explore the inertia towards a single holistic operations environment, drawing on ABB’s rich history in controls and process automation and data center expertise to present an alternative approach to operating your facility.

Are we even converging OT systems in the data center, let alone IT/OT?

Roundtable discussion

We invite you to join this roundtable directly following this conference presentation to continue the conversation, share your own insights and to find potential collaborators.

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