AMS-IX, the world’s largest Internet exchange, has officially launched yet another Point of Presence(PoP), this time located in The Datacenter Group (TDCG) facility in its hometown of Amsterdam.

The 14th PoP will further extend the reach of its peering network and enable more organizations to exchange traffic to cut their latency, increase bandwidth and improve network resilience.

“The 14th PoP at The Datacenter Group offers AMS-IX customers and members more diversity in the area of data center space,” Jesse Robbers, CCO at AMS-IX, said.

“The commercial interaction between AMS-IX and TDCG is one of the many examples in which AMS-IX has been strengthening the digital infrastructure in the Netherlands and the rest of the world for over 20 years.”

Even more peering

AMS-IX launch

The AMS-IX was unofficially launched in 1994 as a not-for-profit organization by a group of carriers and subsequently established in 1997 as an association. Today, it enables its users to exchange traffic between more than 800 carrier networks, with peak traffic capacity of up to 5.5TB/s.

AMS-IX also operates three foreign Internet exchanges, in Hong Kong, India and the Caribbean; and its American subsidiary manages Internet exchanges in the Bay Area, Chicago and New York.

The latest PoP will benefit the customers of The Datacenter Group, both those that host their equipment in Amsterdam and those that occupy space in its second data center in Delft - the historic town situated between Rotterdam and The Hague - since the two facilities are connected by a redundant fiber ring.

“Globally we see strong growth in all aspects of internet traffic in the coming years. Because the Netherlands is one of the major interconnection hubs for many international providers, we also expect a further growth of traffic at AMS-IX,” Henk Steenman, CTO and co-founder of AMS-IX, said. “For that reason, we will continue to invest and innovate on a technical level.”

Other data center players connected to the AMS-IX include Equinix, Digital Realty, Global Switch and Interxion.