Qualcomm said that it is no longer selling products in Russia, following other chip companies AMD, Intel, and Nvidia.
The company disclosed that it would follow US sanctions and not sell to Russian companies in a series of tweets.
Ukraine's Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, claimed on Twitter that Qualcomm chips "are still available in Russia, and it inadvertently enables this country to kill thousands of Ukrainians."
Nate Tibbits, Qualcomm's senior vice president for Government Affairs, replied: "This is incorrect."
He added: "Qualcomm has called for peaceful resolution to the aggression in Ukraine. We donated to relief organizations supporting Ukrainian people & are matching employee contributions. We comply with US sanctions & laws are not selling products to Russian companies."
Fedorov thanked the company, continuing: "If you want to help as much as possible, you can send your satellite phones for Ukrainian rescuers, so they will be able to respond and communicate faster."
Internet backbone Cogent has ceased all business with Russia, while Lumen has pledged to end operations there. Cisco, Google, Microsoft, and Oracle have also suspended work in the country, along with Apple, Netflix, Sabre, Ericsson, PayPal, Mastercard, and Visa.