The Tasmanian Government has relaxed regulations surrounding ‘on-island’ Cloud services.
The new ruling replaces the 2015 Tasmanian Government Cloud Policy which required data to be stored on island.
The cloud policy, ITNews reports, was released on Friday alongside the State’s Digital Strategy (although it was drawn up back in March). According to the document, the regulations previously stipulated by the Government are now just 'preferences,' rather than demands.
Relaxed attitude
“Cloud service and solution options may be located off-island and the risk assessment must include consideration of cybersecurity and data sovereignty risks," the new ruling says.
“Preference will be given to on-island cloud services and solutions assessed as offering equivalent value-for-money and risk profiles as off-island alternatives.”
Tasmania has a population of 537,000, and only a small number of data centers.
According to the Tasmanian Minister for Science and Technology, Michael Ferguson: "Our vision is for a prosperous and connected Tasmania, collaborating and thriving in a technology enabled world.
"The Strategy and Cloud Policy incorporate critical feedback received through public consultation, as well as during the Tasmanian Government’s ICT forum held in November 2019, and we thank respondents for taking the time to contribute.
"While many recommendations are addressed within the scope of the major actions of the Strategy or through other complementary programs or initiatives, other proposals have been recorded for further consideration as work on the foundational initiatives is completed or progressed."