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The new series on hybrid IT infrastructure

Panel: How do you optimize connectivity whilst living between on-prem, colo and cloud?

This session took place on January 27, 2021

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Panel: How do you optimize connectivity whilst living between on-prem, colo and cloud?

The agility and rapid provisioning required to spin up the vast majority of modern workloads requires a robust network backbone capable of matching enterprise demand for capacity, performance and agility.

With the pandemic having sped up the pace of digitalization and cloud exponentially, we ask our panel, what impact the pandemic has had on the demand for low-latency connectivity and what infrastructure is needed to support the rapid transport of workloads between multi- clouds and beyond.

How are you managing your network growth?

Roundtable discussion | 12:00 to 12:50 EST (UTC-5)

We invite you to join this roundtable directly following this conference presentation to continue the conversation, share your own insights and to find potential collaborators.

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