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Marriott Marquis, Times Square

DCD>Next-Gen Workforce Development Program

The data center industry faces the seemingly insurmountable problem of attracting and retaining new talent. To help address this huge challenge, DCD and its industry partners are working with local colleges and universities in this dedicated student outreach and education program. Designed to bring together students and industry experts, sessions will raise awareness of the data center industry and educate the next generation on the career opportunities available in this exciting sector.

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From 8:45 - 9:15am | Event Check-In & Badge Collection

Please arrive at the New York Marriott Marquis before 9:00 am to collect your event entry badge and ensure you have everything you need.

9:15 - 9:30 am | Welcome & Intro to DCD & our Workforce Partners

Opening remarks for those joining us.

9:30 - 10:00 am | Data Centers 101: What are they and what do they mean to me?

This session is designed to demystify the data center and the world of digital infrastructure. Learn what data centers mean to our everyday lives and how they are evolving to meet the demands of an increasingly connected and digital world.

10:00 - 10:45 am | Panel Discussion: Data centers need you! What can the data center industry offer the next-gen workforce?

The data center industry is long-awaiting the next generation of leaders who have the ideas and passion for learning to design, build and operate the digital infrastructure required to meet future capacity demands.

In this dedicated panel discussion, industry experts will share their experiences and career journeys, providing insight into the backgrounds they came from, the skills required and where digital infrastructure can take the next generation. Learn why the sector needs you, the much sought-after skills you already have to offer, and the impact you could have on this exciting, fast-growth industry.

10:45 - 11:30 am | Meet the Gen Z’ers

This is an opportunity to meet with the newest faces to join the data center industry from across the Gen Z community. Hear what led them to their career paths and the experiences they have had so far.

11:30 - 1:15 pm | Show Floor Tour & Networking Lunch

Visit the Show Floor to explore the market further, visit partner stands and better understand how the data center ecosystem works, followed by lunch with your peers.

1:15 - 2:00 pm | Wrap-up Interactive Roundtable Session

Regroup with your peers for a round-up of the day so far. In this interactive open discussion session, in small groups reflect on what you have learnt, and put your questions to our data center experts.

2:00 - 5:00 pm | Free-time on the Show Floor (optional)

Listen to industry leaders sharing their insights on the content stages around the Show Floor, visit the partner stands and discover more about the data center ecosystem and the opportunities it has to offer.