DCD>Tech Showcase: Powering AI in the data center with fault-managed power with Stephen Eaves | VoltServer
As the world of AI-driven technologies continues to evolve and expand, we are faced with a critical challenge: how to efficiently and safely distribute power to meet the growing demands of data centers. To shed light on this issue and present an innovative solution that aligns with evolving safety standards, Steve Eaves, CEO of VoltServer will discuss Digital Electricity™, a revolutionary high-density power distribution system that has garnered recognition in the 2023 National Electric Code as Fault Managed Power or Class 4 Power.
What's remarkable about Digital Electricity™ is its ability to operate at high voltages without posing harm. During the tech demo, Steve and his team will showcase just how safe Digital Electricity™ is by doing something seemingly impossible—bringing water and electricity together in perfect harmony.