Amazon Web Services (AWS) is looking to expand its data center presence in Hyderabad, India.

Following discussions between IT and Industries Minister D. Sridhar Babu and the AWS senior leadership team, the company has affirmed its intention to expand its investment in the Telangana region, reports The Hindu and MSN, among others.

– Minister Babu via LinkedIn

The discussions were held in California in the US, and have seen AWS express a desire to expand its data center facilities and workforce in Hyderabad.

The cloud giant already has a notable presence in the Indian city, with its largest corporate building globally located there.

Babu said of the discussion: "AWS has designated Hyderabad as a strategic region and three big data centers are already operational. They shared plans for further expanding their business, including a new hyperscale data center in Hyderabad that is critical for AI/ML-enabled (artificial intelligence/machine learning) services.”

“Our talks with Amazon were extremely positive and successful. We assured the corporation that we would provide them with the best incentives and complete support to make their goals in Hyderabad successful. We expect [a] huge expansion of their presence in our State.”

Kerry Person, VP of AWS' data center planning and delivery added following the meeting: “We expect the AWS Region in Hyderabad will play an increasingly important role in supporting AWS’s growth of cloud services in India, including Artificial Intelligence in the near future.”

AWS launched its Hyderabad cloud region in November 2022. Plans for the development region were revealed in 2020 with the company expecting to invest $2.8bn in the city, following the launch of a Mumbai data center region in 2016. The region has three availability zones.