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Fiber-optic submarine cable operator Angola Cables is creating the foundations of a new neutral interconnection environment in the Republic of Angola and in the South African Region in a partnership with Frankfurt-based Internet exchange operator DE-CIX.

Angola Cables will be supported by DE-CIX via the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) as it aims to create an enhanced interconnection environment to deliver more robust Internet service throughout the region.

Collectively as a continent, Africa, is currently reporting less than 1Tbps of traffic and the Republic of Angola is reporting up to 20 Gbps.

According to a report by TeleGeograpghy demand is expected to rise across Africa to as much as 10Tbps by 2020.

Angola Cables’ president António Nunes said that Angola is at an important point in history.

“The MOU comes at a critical time in the development of the Southern African Development Community Internet market, as major global and local players increasingly face the challenge of promoting innovative Internet services while continuing to ensure safe and effective online usage,” Nunes said.