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Emerson Network Power launched a third-party developed data center infrastructure management (DCIM) return-on-investment (ROI) estimating tool.

The company said it commissioned Forrester Consulting to develop the ROI tool in response to market demand for a tool to justify investment in DCIM solutions.

It claims enterprises can now learn the potential ROI, savings and value by deploying DCIM.

The ROI tool is said to quantify Total Economic Impact (TEI) elements and use them to determine traditional and risk-adjusted ROI, Net Present Value (NPV) and payback period.

The tool is claimed to measure benefits by specific DCIM categories such as configuration, capacity and process management, alarm and monitoring and integration and remote management so customers can see where they get the most value.

Emerson Network Power’s president of the data center solutions business, Steve Hassell said the company had been asked by its customers for a way to calculate the ROI of DCIM solutions.

“We’re excited that we can now offer our customers an ROI analysis to help justify adoption of DCIM solutions,” Hassell said.