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Japanese ICT company Fujitsu is moving users towards what it calls a business-centric data center with the release of general purpose platforms for middleware including servers, storage and network.

Its new Integrated Systems line-up uses "straightforward" reference architectures and pre-integrated ready-to-run systems, according to Fujitsu.

It is designed to help ICT managers focusd on end-user needs in a move towards the data center becoming more 'business centric'.

Fujitsu said with pre-validation these systems guarantee the compatibility of all components including servers and operating systems, storage, network and system management.

Fujitsu said its Integrated Systems line-up starts with simple general-purpose infrastructures and general purpose platforms for middleware and is topped by systems for purpose-built application integration.

It claims by using these components together users can reduce complexity and decrease deployment times without trial-and-error testing.

It also said its Integrated Systems can optimize resource utilization for complex environments such as in-memory applications like SAP HANA, which are compute, networking and storage-intensive.

Fujitsu’s Integrated Systems portfolio combines its PRIMERGY and PRIMEQUEST servers and ETERNUS and NetApp FAS storage platforms with 'best-of-breed' third-party technologies to create solutions built from ‘best-in-class’ components.

Fujitsu has created eight different principal use cases for Integrated Systems – from SAP, and Microsoft environments through to systems designed for big data, IT security, server virtualisation, virtual desktop infrastructure, private cloud and high-performance computing.

It also offers optional pre-installation in a system staging center, which ensures that reference architectures are ready-to-run immediately from delivery on customer premises for organizations looking to integrate reference architectures.

Fujitsu Integrated Systems are already available.