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HKNet, a subsidiary of NTT Communications (NTT Com), has launched a new Point of Presence (PoP) in Taiwan.

Located in Chief Telecom’s data center, the PoP will enhance the network accessibility and capabilities of HKNet in Asia to better support its customers in the region.

With the growth rate of Taiwan’s GDP expected to top other advanced Asian cities at 3.9%, according to an April report by the International Monetary Fund, the new platform will enable local businesses to further strengthen their operations and presence in Asia, HKNet says.

China is also expected to remain a key growth driver of Taiwan’s economy, offering additional opportunities in Taiwan.

“Taiwan is an important market for HKNet because of its high-growth potential and strategic location,” Patrick Ng, EVP of NTT Com Asia’s Global Network Business Division said.

“The new Point of Presence is a testament to our strong belief in Taiwan’s opportunities for networking growth and optimization.”

The new PoP allows HKNet to enhance its SecureNet Ethernet service, a carrier-class Ethernet service for enterprise customers.

With the new PoP in Taiwan, SecureNet Ethernet will now join Taiwan and Hong Kong, as well as Asian countries such as China, Cambodia and India.

“HKNet is very focused on network connectivity, as well as regional coverage in areas where there is niche market,” Brandon Lee, Chief Strategy Officer at NTT Com Asia and HKNet said.

“From that perspective, regional expansion is definitely ongoing, and we will continue to do that.”

Lee spoke of increase in intra-Asia traffic, which he said is growing “a lot faster” than in other parts of the world.

Moreover, there is also greater mobility in the region to drive demand, even as the need for network services is also increasing.

“We are seeing a lot of growth potential in Taiwan and the region,” Lee said.

He said with the establishment of the PoP, companies with offices in Hong Kong can now be connected with their offices in Taiwan with a similar experience as wiring up two parts of the same building using Ethernet.

NTT Com made multiple announcements in recent weeks around its efforts in the region.

It announced that its Asia Submarine-cable Express (ASE) will be extended to Cambodia to provide reliable, high-capacity communication infrastructure to companies operating in the Mekong region.

Based on an agreement reached with Chuan Wei (Cambodia), NTT Com will lay Cambodia’s first submarine optical fiber cable.

In addition, NTT Com had also announced that it will expand its global IP network footprint with a new point-of-presence in Bangkok, Thailand, beginning July 1.