DCD is pleased to welcome James MacKenzie, Solutions Architect at OVH to speak at DCD>Australia. OVH is a global provider of hyper-scale cloud and internet infrastructure with a hosting capacity of over 1 million servers in 17 markets and it has recently arrived in Australia. James’ role makes him eminently qualified to speak about the decisions on data infrastructure that many organisations are needing to make:

“We are dealing all the way from SMEs to large, global corporations. They are being challenged by the need for uptime, the need to grow or they want to expand geographically. They need to think about the cloud and about servers, and where their footprint is going to be hosted. Are they going to stay in house or use a provider such as OVH? Then what form of cloud will they deploy?” commented James.

At DCD>Australia, an annual ANZ industry gathering focused on the issues surrounding “Optimising Hybrid IT”, James will look at the options available and present a process “with a beginning, a middle and an end” whereby organizations can migrate out of legacy infrastructure through the maze of possible hosting and management alternatives to achieve an effective transformation.

Based on his experience of what markets are looking for, James will also pay particular attention to issues of security and risk mitigation.“We are seeing major demand for disaster recovery as clients look for continual availability and to protect against the worst happening. Security is also now looked for, against both cyber-threats and against physical threats to the facility and to the network”, added James.

Delegates can look forward to comprehensive and insightful conference sessions across 2 halls from 30 local and international speakers, crafted to help the industry to map and choose between the options available in Australia. To contribute to this agenda, James will illustrate his presentation with a range of recent case studies drawn from his experience in markets at a similar level of maturity in cloud and hosting deployment to Australia.

Qualified end-users can apply for complimentary registration

DCD adopts a ‘free-to-attend, by invitation’ event model for qualified end-user business executives, managers and technical professionals directly engaged with IT, data center and cloud infrastructure. If your company operates its own on/off premise data center(s), or if you are a significant end-user of data center and cloud services and you are involved in technology planning, procurement, implementation, and operations, then you may qualify.

New to DCD: A complimentary Professional Advisor Passes is also available to one engineering/technical professional with management title/responsibility from each A/E consultancy/advisory firm (subject to criteria).

Find out more about which pass you qualify for and register for the conference, DCD>Australia here.

For any inquiries about registration please contact us at delegates.anz@datacenterdynamics.com