Liquid cooling firm Iceotope has announced that CEO David Craig will be retiring, effective September 30.

Craig has spent nine years at the helm of Iceotope, previously serving as COO of McLaren Software and the founder of wind turbine developer Green Power partnership.

David Craig
David Craig – Iceotope

Nathan Blom, chief commercial officer, and Simon Jesenko, chief financial officer, will jointly step into the interim CEO position until a successor is appointed.

Craig will continue to advise the company during the transition period.

Blom has a leadership background in revenue and strategy for Fortune 500 companies, including Lenovo and HP, and Jesenko is a finance executive with experience in private equity.

Craig said: “The past nine years have been an amazing ride - we have built a fantastic team, developed a great IP portfolio, and created the only liquid cooling solution that addresses the thermal and sustainability challenges facing the data center industry today and tomorrow

He continued: “I have enjoyed every moment and have nothing but pride in the team, company, and product. However, it feels like now is an appropriate time for me to step aside, enjoy retirement, and focus on other passions in my life, particularly my charitable work in the UK and Africa.”

George Shaw, chairman at Iceotope, added: “On behalf of everyone at Iceotope, we thank David for his dedication and endless enthusiasm for the company, the technology, and the people who make it all possible.”

Iceotope was founded in 2005 and specializes in HPC computing, cooling, and modular data center infrastructure technologies.

Earlier this year, the company collaborated with SKT and SK Enmove on the development of AI data center liquid cooling solutions.