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The Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) has published its next version - 2.0 - of its cloud deployment usage models covering the areas of service orchestration and Compute Infrastructure-as-a-Service (CIaaS).

The independent consortium which includees Capgemini, Verizon Terremark and BMW as members, updated its conceptual model document map which provides an overview of the organization’s usage models and how they fit into a larger cloud computing and next-gen data center context.

It said updated documents include its Service Orchestration Rev. 2.0, CIaaS and Usage of Models and Document Map Rev 2.0.

The Service Orchestration Rev. 2.0 describes the processes, interfaces and aspects to be considered when deplying services on cloud platforms.

The CIaaS Rev. 2.0 defines all of the key elements of a CIaaS, how to use this service model and what to consider in its adoption.

The Conceptual Model of Usage Models and Document Map Rev. 2.0 provides a high-level overview of the ODCA cloud deployment strategy and describes how each usage model fits within this larger framework.

The ODCA usage models further the group's vision of a simpler, more secure and more efficient path to cloud computing by documenting the most pressing challenges and needed solutions for cloud deployment.

The alliance began publishing usage models in 2011 and has since released 27 spanning eight categories: infrastructure, security, commercial, carbon, compliance, management and services, data and portability.

All of the ODCA’s usage models are available for free download at