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Data connectivity company Pacnet has received PCI DSS (PCI Data Security Standard) 2.0 Certification and Attestation of Compliance for its CloudSpace data centers in Hong Kong (HKCS1 HKCS2), Singapore (SGCS2) and Sydney (SYCS1).

The PCI DSS accreditation is published by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) and is claimed to be the most comprehensive, internationally recognized data security standard to enhance protection of consumer credit card information, assist in prevention of identity theft and fraud, and promote payment data security worldwide.

Pacnet’s PCI DSS assessment, completed from January 23, 2014 to June 10, 2014, included an in-depth review of its physical data center security management, IT security policies and procedures, data protection, network access management and monitoring, network architecture, software design, organization vulnerability management, personnel security efforts, and other critical protective measures.

Classified by the standards council as a Level 1 Service Provider, Pacnet achieved PCI DSS 2.0 Certification in recognition of its data centers’ strict adherence to the standards and guidelines that protect customers’ sensitive financial data and safeguard credit and debit card transactions through advanced technical and security measures.

Pacnet said its facilities adhere to a wide range of global standards in data center design, construction and operation, including ISO 9001 and ISO 2700 compliance and LEED Gold Certification.

In addition to PCI DSS compliance, Pacnet’s SGCS2 facility is Singapore’s first data center to earn Tier III Design Certification from the Uptime Institute.

The data center was also recently recognized for environmental sustainability with a BCA-IDA Green Mark GoldPLUS Award for Data Centers.

Pacnet's VP of data center services Giles Proctor said: "In addition to being a key differentiator for Pacnet in the APAC region, earning PCI DSS compliance upholds our pioneering market standing and commitment to the adoption of global data security standards."

"The accomplishment also underscores Pacnet’s dedication to data protection, investment in secure infrastructure and delivery of proven services to protect the interests of customers who process credit card transactions within our data centers," Proctor said.