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Software-defined networking (SDN) vendor Tallac Networks has created a European headquarters in the UK and appointed former HP Networking chief Clive Hallam, as its new managing director for Europe.

The opening of a European sales front follows the recent launch of its Software Defined Mobility system.

The offering, which uses open application programming interfaces (APIs) aims to make it easier for developers to create business applications for vertical market customers.

Tallac president Bill Johnson said the rationale is to help managed service providers (MSPs) to create and install campus network virtualization systems.

"Our objective is to increase MSPs’ margins and improve application development efficiency for partners in cloud management, orchestration and managed IT services,” Johnson said.

Johnson described the possibilities for SDN application as ‘unlimited’.

Tallac - founded by enterprise networking veterans from HP and Cisco - aims to offer data centers and enterprises a new alternative to traditional wireless cloud-managed WLAN (wireless local area networking) services.

Its service maps physical network hardware to virtual network services in private and public clouds, using delivering open, programmable software.

Tallac’s European managing director Clive Hallam said the team that founded Tallac includes some of the best networking innovators in the industry.

“This is a mature market in terms of technology adoption, so the fit is just right. We have already signed up key channel partners and are actively recruiting more,” he added.