Telcos Telin and Indosat are partnering for a new subsea cable in Indonesia.

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin) and Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (IOH) have officially announced a partnership to develop Indonesia's telecommunications infrastructure through the development of the Indonesia Cable Express System 2 (ICE System 2).

telin indosat ICE cable
Telin and Indosat partner for new cable – Telin

The companies signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the system this week at the BATIC 2024 event.

Landing points for the system in Indonesia include Jakarta, Surabaya, Balikpapan, Makassar, and Manado, and will provide links to Singapore.

Budi Satria D. Purba, Telin CEO, said: "Our collaboration with IOH on the ICE System 2 is set to create a robust telecommunications network that will support Indonesia's digital economy. We are excited to bring this project to fruition, ensuring seamless and reliable connectivity for businesses and consumers alike."

Founded in 2007, Telin is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Telkom Indonesia. The company announced plans for Indonesia Cable Express System 1 last year, saying it would connect Singapore, Malaysia, and Batam.

Telin recently partnered with Singtel on the Singapore-Batam subsea cable, known as INSICA (Indonesia Singapore Cable System), and with BW Digital on the Nongsa-Changi submarine cable system also linking Batam and Singapore. The company is also part of the Bifrost cable and the Hawaiki-Nui system.

Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison is a telecommunications provider in Indonesia, owned by Ooredoo Hutchison Asia, a joint venture between Ooredoo and Hutchison Asia Telecom Group (a part of CK Hutchison Holdings) since 2022. Indosat is part of the Indigo and ACC-1 cables.