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Telstra Global has announced the launch of two new Points of Presence (PoPs) in Taiwan to improve network reliability and resilience and support business growth in the region.

The addition of the new Taiwan sites meant Telstra customers now have access to more than 2,000 PoPs worldwide in 230 countries and territories, according to Bernadette Noujaim Baldwin, Telstra Global's head of connectivity and platforms.

“Taiwan is an epicenter for Asian exports and a crucial supply chain for major electronics brands globally, so these new PoPs will deliver even greater speed and reliability for our local customers, while reaffirming our ongoing commitment to serving the needs of multinational customers operating throughout Asia Pacific,” Noujaim Baldwin said.

“When you combine the new PoPs with the license we secured recently to operate and sell telecommunications carrier services to both multinational and carrier customers within Taiwan, we are well placed to help global organizations gain greater competitive advantage in Taiwan and connect with growth opportunities in the broader Asian market too.”

Noujaim Baldwin told FOCUS that significant changes in the licensing conditions have been seen in Taiwan after a fire which started in a room at a data center operated by eASPNet Taiwan and resulted in disruption to Internet users estimated to number in the millions.

The original licensing condition in Taiwan wasn’t as flexible as it is now, she noted, with greater resiliency and PoPs to support the needs of customers.

Telstra Global already has a presence in countries such as China, Taiwan and Japan, and is continuing to expand its domestic capacity by creating a network-to-network partnership with domestic providers.

“We are pushing into the domestic sphere in Northeast Asia in the next financial year,” said Noujaim Baldwin.

She said Telstra Global is also looking to strengthen connectivity into the Mekong region.

“We’re looking to strengthen the connectivity into [the] Mekong region, particularly in countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao, and also Myanmar,” Noujaim Baldwin said.

“We are looking to creating partnerships with the view to provide our own points of presence in the area, especially in Myanmar.”