AMD has been awarded a contract by the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Advanced Simulation and Computing program to develop advanced memory technologies.

The contract - awarded by the Sandia National Laboratories, in partnership with Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore national labs - is aimed at building the memory tech required for the future high-performance simulation and computing applications that are part of US nuclear weapons stockpile stewardship.

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“The goal for ASC’s Advanced Memory Technology projects is to develop technologies that will have an impact on future computer system architectures for our complex modeling and simulation workloads,” said ASC program director Thuc Hoang.

“We have selected projects that will have the potential to deliver more than 40 times the application performance of our forthcoming NNSA exascale systems.”

The new contract is part of NNSA’s post-Exascale-Computing-Initiative investment portfolio, which was launched after the Pathforward program helped the US develop its exascale systems.

“AMD is excited to collaborate with the pioneering researchers and scientists at Sandia, Lawrence Livermore, and Los Alamos National Laboratories,” said Alan Lee, corporate vice president and head of research and advanced development at AMD.

“We will work together to explore integration of advanced memory technologies into future systems, leveraging our track record of collaboration and co-design with the NNSA laboratories and AMD’s active leadership in the Joint Electron Devices Engineering Council standards organization.”

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