With the pace of the data center industry moving at a staggering rate, critical project timelines demand game-changing solutions. At XYZ, they've developed a cutting-edge project control system that empowers asset owners and contractors to stay ahead of schedule, minimize delays, and drive operational revenue.

This whitepaper is a case study of a data center project in Ireland that faced a looming six-week delay that could have resulted in millions of lost revenue.

Download this whitepaper to see how XYZ helped to:

  • Prevent Delays: Real-time insights helped a data center avoid a six-week delay, boosting revenue by $14M
  • Maximize Efficiency: Data-driven controls optimize resource allocation, keeping teams on track
  • Enhance Collaboration: Transparency and real-time updates foster trust and teamwork across stakeholders
  • Leverage Advanced Technology: XYZ’s AR platform, the Atom™, uses precise 3D modeling to visualize progress and enable informed, real-time decision-making