Companies are spending billions of dollars to fight the threat of cybercrime by deploying processes to keep hackers out of their systems and away from their data. Meanwhile, many of today’s most damaging security breaches occur, not from outside companies, but from within.

Many of these internal data breaches are the result of simple negligence, including misplaced, lost, and stolen devices on which the data is stored. This internal security threat is every bit as serious, if not as sensational, as external threats — and comes with the same high cost regulatory penalties, lawsuits, and PR nightmares. Plus, every incident adds an additional element to the equation — embarrassment. After all, in today’s world of sophisticated technology, the public wonders: How can a company misplace a critical device containing customers’ private data?

Making matters more urgent is the fact that the data that companies are acquiring is getting bigger. This big data comes with even bigger security risks. In the face of bigger and bigger stores of data, and an ever-tightening regulatory system, it’s time for companies to implement systems that centrally track every device in their data centers — from the time they are purchased all of the way to their end-of-life disposal. This white paper highlights the factors driving big data growth and the increasing demand for greater control and tighter data security, not just from threats outside of the data center, but from negligence inside companies, as well. The white paper offers a solution that gives data centers 100 percent tracking control over every device across their entire network.