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The virtual conference focused on meeting regional data center & cloud demand

The data center reimagined - an assessment on the readiness of today’s data center for transforming businesses

This session took place on July 1, 2020

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The data center reimagined - an assessment on the readiness of today’s data center for transforming businesses.jpg

The data center reimagined - an assessment on the readiness of today’s data center for transforming businesses.

As 5G-fueled hyperconnectivity expands enterprise networks and moves data processing to the edge, technology leaders and engineers must reimagine the data center to stay in the race. But are businesses ready to transform? In this presentation, we present the results of a Forbes Insights survey tapped by Vertiv which revealed the perspectives of global data center engineers across a range of industries. Their perspectives highlight pressing issues facing organizations that aim to evolve and adapt to today’s challenges.

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