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Advanced Data Center Management – building the next generation of data center management tools

This session took place on March 17, 2021

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Advanced Data Center Management – building the next generation of data center management tools

Now more than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic and as predicted by CBRE in April 2020, operators have found that COVID has accelerated the quest for higher levels of automation within data center operations. Managing 900 data centers across the world for clients from almost every sector, CBRE has leveraged this broad view in order to understand both current and future operational needs and marry those to the plethora of largely disparate tools and technologies. This has allowed CBRE to create a vision and roadmap for the next generation of advanced data center management tools.

This presentation, delivered by the Executive Director of Strategy for CBRE’s Data Center Solutions Group, Zahl Limbuwala, will outline the path to this future vision by looking at what’s available today and what we can look forward to from innovation in the near future.

Will the data center ever be fully automated?

Roundtable discussion

We invite you to join this roundtable directly following this conference presentation to continue the conversation, share your own insights and to find potential collaborators.

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