Stream live: DCD>Towards Net Zero North America

The Mobile Edge: Who will build it? Who will own it? Who will pay for it?

On-Demand Webinar

Growth at the Edge is a continuing trend as we move into 2020.

There is no doubt that 5G will require edge compute and service providers recognize the major opportunity here but who is set to win the mobile edge race? What will it look like? Who will own it? Who will pay for it?

This detailed webinar examines:

  • Progress of edge deployments to date; where are we now?
  • Is the telco ready for the edge? Network evolution and the ecosystem
  • Who will own the edge? The role of telcos and webscales
  • How do we monetize the edge? A look at killer-apps
  • Building the edge cloud. The rise of micro data-centers and infrastructure solutions