Mark Porter
Director, Supply Chain & International Collaboration, Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance (REBA)Mark moved to Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance (REBA) from Rocky Mountain Institute’s Business Renewables Center (BRC) initiative in March 2019. Mark continues to support the BRC initiative across all areas and grow REBA’s membership. Specifically Mark is developing initiatives to support supply chain engagement and international collaboration between NGOs acting in this space worldwide.
Mark also supports Rocky Mountain Institute’s BRC China program, where Mark and the China team work to accelerate renewable energy transactions for companies and their supply chain partners in China.
In 2007 Mark connected personal passion with professional experience and specialized in the renewable energy sector. Mark worked for Ernst & Young’s transaction-focused renewable energy group for nine years. Working with projects across the technology spectrum in Europe, Canada and North America.
Mark joined Rocky Mountain Institute’s Business Renewables Center program in March 2016, working to accelerate offsite non-utility procured renewable energy transactions. Mark has developed a growing number of resources to help buyers and sellers, including a transaction rationale diagnostic tool for buyers and a boot camp training series for project developers. He has planned and executed five, 400-person events where stakeholders from across the non-utility procurement sector gathered to collaborate and accelerate the market.