Roundtable discussions
Want to share your views?
Join the debate alongside your peers from across Europe's data center ecosystem! Throughout DCD>Europe, we'll be hosting a series of virtual roundtables & workshops chaired by dedicated industry experts to discuss some of the key data center design and management challenges operators face today and give you the chance to collaborate on the direction of Europe's data center industry.
Topics under discussion at DCD>Europe include:
- Should data centers be CNI (Critical National Infrastructure)?
Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Panel: An industry under the spotlight… good or bad for data center operators?"
- What is a city's data center saturation point?
Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "How will the FLAP markets fare in 2021?"
- Do we need a broader carbon calculation for data centers?
Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Panel: Building industry credibility and transparency around sustainability claims"
Brought to you by Starline
- What worries you most about meeting demand?
Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Panel: Building faster and bigger - what are the next set of challenges for data center construction?"
Brought to you by Schneider Electric
- Should servers be selected on the basis of efficiency?
Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Fireside Chat: How the history of the microprocessor dictates the future of the data center"
- What is the role of AI in data center operations?
Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Panel: Is my IT infrastructure operationally ready for the second wave?"
Brought to you by TycheTools
- How realistic is it that data centers will use 100% alternative energy sources?
Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Case study: Scope 3 emissions and the next generation of sustainable data centers"
Brought to you by Vattenfall
- Are you recovering the heat from your data center?
Roundtable discussion | Following the session: "Panel: 'Why is Europe so obsessed with heat reuse?' and other interesting observations"
Brought to you by Granlund