Getting the most from your data center is often down to time. How quickly can you deploy? How soon do you resolve an outage? What data can you access and when? The ability to make the right decision at the right time is crucial to success. Make the wrong decision - or take too long to arrive at the right one - and suddenly problems can start to spiral out of control. Goals that once seemed achievable become impossible. If only you had the benefit of hindsight...
A big strength of the hyperscale model is that it enables faster decision-making, quicker implementation and more immediate awareness of issues such as overcapacity and underutilized resources. But even for hyperscalers, this ability to act fast is still being hindered by both the availability of data and the ability to project the impact of changes you need to make in your facility.
Building a twin
It is also worth being aware of the impact that the decision-making process has on other areas of data center management, including capacity and processes management. With 77 percent of data centers seeing demands increasing, managing capacity is a huge challenge for all businesses.
It is small wonder then that research shows that 51 percent of data center decision-makers are investing in more data centers just to handle the demands placed on them! It is a bit like using a sledgehammer to tap in a nail; yes it will work, but is it really the best option? So, while building or expanding existing data centers would be great, they probably are not a realistic or best option given the time and costs involved.
While we might not be able to turn back time, the team at Future Facilities has found a way to show you the future. By implementing a digital twin of your data center, you can model and predict every action you’ll need to take. You can simulate the outcome before it has even happened. It’s not time travel. But it’s close.
Whether you’re operating a hyperscale empire or managing your own enterprise data center, operations teams can arrive at the right outcomes in a shorter amount of time thanks to the digital twin. Our advanced physics-based simulations are used by many of the world’s leading data centers to manage their power and cooling, along with predicting the impact of new IT configurations on data center performance. Once these processes are understood, different layouts can be tested in a safe, virtual environment as teams work towards achieving their data center’s optimal state. What-if and failure analyses can also be run to put chosen designs through their paces.
They say time is money. With this capability in place, the time taken to get to the right decisions for your data center is dramatically reduced—meaning you can optimize your contribution to the business. We’ll help you get ahead of hindsight.
Find out more about how our digital twin model works here.